My wife and I visited Sazenka as one of our few non-sushi meals during our Tokyo visit. This is the first Chinese fine dining experience I’ve had, and it was really incredible throughout. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had this type of experience before, but it was probably a Top 10 lifetime dining experience for me. Everything tasted incredible.

Booking: We booked a cancelation that popped up on Table Check. There are also opportunities to book on Omakase, but I believe this is for private rooms (4-6 people). I believe you can also book through Tableall (heavy premium)

Menu: 3 menu options that differ in ingredients and dishes, not length. Priced at ~$300, ~$550, and ~$700. We opted for the highest tier menu

Drinks: Wine menu, alcoholic pairing, tea pairing, and wine by glass options. We didn’t realize there was a wine menu at first, so we opted for the tea pairing before opening some wine. The alcoholic pairing consists of many non wine liquors. Tea pairing was ~$100

Other: service was really incredible. We stayed pretty late enjoying wine and sharing with the front of house – Chef Kawata-san was still there very late to say bye and thank us for coming. Apparently they will make an entirely new menu for you during each visit. Most of the staff only spoke Japanese, but we got along well with English / French and Google translate

A lot of highlight dishes for me. My wife especially loved the soup, pork + eggplant, and noodles. Definitely a restaurant that we’d prioritize for any future Japan visit


P.S. I deleted my sushi adventures post because some weirdos felt the need to call me a liar saying I couldn’t have eaten at those restaurants. Honestly the pictures were pretty shit anyway, so it didn’t seem worth leaving up and dealing with their nasty private messages. I am by no means a Japan expert, but if anyone does have questions on booking Sazenka or any sushi places, please feel free to send me a message for my experience. I’ll take it as a compliment that I’m doing something right if so many people are bitter that a foreigner got a few reservations. I tried harder on these photos, so I’ll leave this one up 😊

by waybackdiner

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