I dont like stinky cheese, and sometimes even brie tastes tooo strong and stinky to me. However, the cheese that has raspberry on it was sooooo amazing! Wasn’t stinky, just tasted sooo creamy and milky! Please let me know if you know of any cheese like this

by kwon6528


  1. Probably a triple cream cheese so a delice or a Brillat Savarin

    Something similar loads of them

  2. Loud-Bullfrog-4625 on

    Brie gets stinky and stronger as it ages. The temperature of the cheese also afect that. It’s why we take it out of the fridge before starting the meal, we often like warm stinky and strong cheese in France.

  3. Due_Indication6692 on

    I believe this is St. Angel. It’s a super fatty triple crème brie. It’s cut in small triangles or squares out of a square block of cheese. The edges of the piece on your plate look like it could be cut from that shape and the flavor is incredibly rich but also very mild when young. You can buy it at specialty grocery stores all over the place.

  4. Jenniferjay47 on

    It doesn’t look very aged, it’s definitely a Brie – maybe Brie de Paris?

  5. ChumpusTheCat on

    Brie can vary wildly depending on what kind you get. That’s brie, but it’s probably a very creamy mild brie. Most grocery stores with brie will have a creamy mild brie like this.

  6. Other types of brie can taste very different. Somerset brie is much lighter and milder than French bries, if that’s another one you’d like to try

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