Bonjour from the 11th arrondissement. There are many previous reviews of this fantastic restaurant, so I’ll hit some of my personal highlights which I hope may convince some of you to seek out a meal here.

Firstly, obtaining a reservation here is beyond difficult especially when attempting to obtain one from the US. I tried, several times, waking in the early hours of the night searing my retinas with the laptop screen each time. I was left defeated every night. I concluded that I would not eat here, until one day searching through previously Reddit threads I found a comment that explained that there are in fact 2 bar seats available. As I already arranged other reservations, my wife and I decided to try for lunch seats. We arrived approximately 30min before opening on a Monday and were met with smiling faces preparing for service who explained these seats are first come first serve. Bingo. Today, that was us.

Now, perhaps my feelings for this restaurant are due to the jubilation I felt by securing these 2 wooden stools. Or, maybe, it was the incredible beauty of summer in Paris. Nevertheless, this meal was EXCEPTIONAL. I will highlight for the reader, I am an avid seeker of single () bliss, as I typically prefer the nature of these types of establishments vs (*) or more. I enjoy elevated meals with a more casual atmosphere. Septime is truly unmatched. The service hits this motif perfectly. There were smiles and laughter throughout the restaurant and often into the kitchen, yet the timing and concentration was impeccable. Unpretentious providers of an amazing caliber of food, wine pairings and an approachability to fine dining I have never experienced. This comparison was emphasized when dining at other Parisian establishments throughout our time there. Simply, I can now understand Septime’s world ranking as one that is pure, and possibly appropriate. It is obvious they are not seeking to be something they are not, which always seems to be the magic necessary to make something truly great. Bon appétit.

by cholangitis

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