Day 1492 of posting images of cheese until I run out of cheese types: Weinkäse Landle

by verysuspiciousduck

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  1. verysuspiciousduck on

    I’m using stock images but I am always on the lookout for new cheeses to try whenever I go to the store. Credit to various cheese websites, resources, and sellers for the cheese images and cheese facts. If any of you know some cheeses that I haven’t done yet I would love some input!

    Here is your daily cheese facts: Ländle Weinkäse is made from the finest fresh Alpine milk and matured and cared for in the traditional artisanal manner. The Ländle Weinkäse is ripening for a 4-month period in a natural cellar. In the last 2 weeks it is cured with red wine.
    This special ripening process gives the cheese its characteristic dark red, almost black natural rind. The taste of Ländle Weinkäse is slightly sweet and fruity and with a harmonious note.

    Also as a note: I post my daily cheese here as well as in my r/dailycheese subreddit.

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