You’re heading out on a day’s journey to a nearby village, bringing along only a loaf of bread and a whole wedge of cheese for lunch. What cheese do you pick and why?

by wngisla


  1. I would prefer Harzer. If I had to expect a very warm day, i would take some emmental or mountain cheese.

  2. Correct_Background_2 on

    Comte or Beaufort. Dense, meaty *and* fruity. It’ll go perfect with the apple I pilfer.

  3. PeperomiaLadder on

    A giant chunk of Parmigiano Regianno, because I’ll eat the bread for lunch and save it for use throughout the month 👀😬

  4. Ur_Personal_Adonis on

    Cheddar Blue – So many good cheeses. But I think I’m going to have to go with cheddar blue. That’s just a good combo right there and would taste great with a fresh loaf of bread for the day.

  5. Something like feta so when I run into a troll I can say “Hey, I am strong enough to squeeze water out of this white rock”. Then I squeeze water out of my cheese, impress the troll, and he lets me pass instead of killing me.

  6. ireallylikecetacea on

    Probably either Parmesan or pecorino. One was created basically as a snack for soldiers (according to a cooking class teacher I had in Italy). I want to say pecorino but I can’t say for sure.

  7. That’s a hard one. I’m tempted to say camembert or brie if I have some salt to sprinkle on it, but it wouldn’t travel well. I’d probably just go for a super aged cheddar.

  8. Comté – it’s just the right level of nutty + umami that it’s not too overwhelming in large quantities. Also a 10/10 pairing with bread (imo).

  9. What’s the weather like?

    If it’s warm, I’ll probably go with a brie, as it warms it gets creamier. But if it’s cool, I’d go with a blue or Cheshire, it’ll be nice and crumbly and will work well with the cold.

    This also is very dependent on the loaf of bread. for instance, I’m not doing a blue if the bread is rye

  10. I would slice open the bread, hollow out a little and fill it with Taleggio before my trip. Nature would do its work and I would have a gooey, yummy sandwich to eat all day.

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