tahdig recipe (serves one to two people)
1 cup of rice (wash rice until water is clear)
1 scant of saffron (pitch)
Pitch of turmeric (as much as you like.)
1 tablespoon boiling water
1 – 1/2 table spoons of salt
1 1/2 TBS oil
1 tablespoon butter
Boil rice in 2cups of water for 10mins (rice shouldn't be too soft but not hard. Midway cook). Rinse water out.
Mix saffron, turmeric, oil, water(tablespoon). Pour oil mixer in the bottom of a non stick pot. Next pour Dry rice that you rinse and half way cooked in next. Flatten rice down. Poke holes in the rice. Top with butter (only a tablespoon or as much as you like) cook for 30 mins. Makes sure you cover lid with a damp towel or paper towel!

Mole is more complicated but if you like the recipe I can send it to you :).

by Aburame_Lennon

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