1. Cook the duck less, maybe some mushrooms that are not fried, strips of the orange zest, orange supremes, a savory orange curd brushed on the side of the bowl. Try some chive oil just to spruce it up. These are just ideas to choose from to help spruce it up. Cool plate up. I like the Japanese bowl.

  2. The duck needs to be lifted up a bit, maybe on some different mushrooms or on some rice, I like the bowl too really nice

  3. I’m a bit confused by this. The traditional a l’orange sauce is bigarade, which is Seville orange + stock + gastrique. The idea of pairing that with mushrooms really turns me off.

    A more modern orange sauce, perhaps with accents of five spice, could pair nicely, but my instincts would be for a chiffonade of cabbage or a braised lettuce, something with a greener flavour that will mop up sauce.

    The enokis look nice and crispy, so I don’t like that they’re sat in the sauce. Spring onions are cut very sloppily. Honestly, duck a l’orange is a killer dish when done right, and can really stand on its own without any fancy garnish.

  4. thatsmycompanydog on

    I don’t mean to blow my lid on English-language food frills, but as someone who actually speaks French, “duck breast, l’orange sauce” really grinds my gears, because it belies a total lack of comprehension around French language rules.

    Like if you’re trying to be bougie, fucking up French grammar isn’t it. You can just say it in English — adding《l’》(which literally just means “the”) isn’t adding anything. Orange and Sauce are the same words in both languages. We obviously know what you mean.

    Anyways, here are some alternative French names you might consider:

    * Poitrine de canard à l’orange, with fried enoki
    * Poitrine de canard, sauce à l’orange, énokis frits
    * Duck breast, à l’orange, champignons enoki
    * Duck breast, sauce à l’orange, fried enoki
    * Duck breast à l’orange, fried enoki
    * Duck breast, orange sauce, fried enoki

  5. Tatertotfreak74 on

    Duck is slightly over, enokis look messy and are certainly mushy where they’re sitting in sauce. The key to plating something like this is height. The plate looks so flat.
    If you’re going for presentation halve the portion of duck, halve the sauce, pile the enokis and the greens on top nicely for some height. You need more green to offset all the brown

  6. lightsout100mph on

    I’m just not sure about the onions and the enoki on duck a l’orange, check out the recipe it’s easy and delicious . Think of the flavour profiles then add if you have to. Hot pan for the seal and render . Cook with a bit more heat and five minutes less rss as p and rest five minutes in a warm place. You are very close . I always think when looking at classical dishes it’s worth cooking it from a recipe. Then you know how to abstract it to your tastes etc

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