1. DirtybutCuteFerret on

    hahaha ! i feel that one, tho im only short and dont have pcos. michelle mcdaniel on youtube is short and got pcos and used to be overweight, but lost weight ! she may got valuable tips 🙂

  2. russianindianqueen on

    “While many women with PCOS report difficulty losing weight and perceive a greater susceptibility for weight gain, weight management interventions, such as diet and behaviour change programs, have found **women with and without PCOS lose the same amount of weight**. ”


    The height stuff makes sense because calories in vs calories out, taller people burn more by existing. However people with PCOS who stick to a diet don’t lose weight slower because they don’t have any magic power to metabolize more calories from their food than someone without PCOS

  3. dude that is SO mood. i’ll be concerned i’m dangerously under-eating but look at the scale and it’s 0.5-1lb/week loss. with cardio+lifting+hi protein+vitamins

  4. Throwaway25271998 on

    I didn’t know that tall people did 1200 Cals daily. It seems to little. I’m 5”0 and should be able to lose 1 lb a week and 1200 Cal is sustainable but still tricky to navigate

  5. ACanWontAttitude on

    Do people forget that our appetites adjust for our needs?

    Like saying ‘wah wah a taller person gets to eat more’ doesn’t work because they also use more. So for example if 1400 calories is all you need but you feel like you want more, they might need 1600 but they still have the same want you do; more. They’ll still have cravings after their maintainace calories.

    A 6 foot person is going to struggle a lot more than a short person on 1200 calories because their body is telling them they need more and it’s a lot harder for them than a short person because the deficit is a lot more.

  6. TheFlamingSpork on

    Is there a non hormonal difference between afab people with PCOS and afab people taking trt? I know the hormones “cause weight gain” because testosterone is an appetite inducing steroid. But being anabolic in nature, it allows more muscle development. And muscle is metabolically active. Wouldn’t resistance training for hypertrophy help women with PCOS maintain their weight?

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