I wonder if anyone have a scientific article for how much nitrite/nitrate is needed to prevent safety problems, including botulism.

I've read the articles
Safety and technological issues of dry fermented sausages produced without nitrate and nitrite
A study on the toxigenesis by Clostridium botulinum in nitrate and nitrite-reduced dry fermented sausages

From my understanding, both reports shows in the conclusion that the result were the same for salami with and without nitrit/nitrat, ie. nitriat/nitrat is not needed to protect for botulism .

In Denmark it's forbidden to have nitrit/nitrat in ecological products, such as bacon (ink adding from other sources), and therefore, ecological bacon i is gray, so products like this are actually being sold.

Is nitrit/nitrat needed, or is it just backup if the fermentation does not start, or the fridge/chamber break? I guess in those cases the products should be discarded anyway?

by niclasnsn

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