0 calorie marmallow dip. Happens to be vegan. Sucralose sweetener. Tastes very sweet with lots of vanilla. Not the same texture as marshmallow fluff, it’s more of a….thick pudding consistency….but not smooth. Kinda grainy. Might be good mixed with other things.

by Lemon_Bean


  1. Save 330 calories a day? How many marshmallows do people normally eat? I feel like I’m missing out here.

  2. I like hummus with my salads, and walden farms dressings are eh, but with the creamy hummus it slaps

  3. This tasted like unadulterated chemicals and not at all like food and went straight in the trash. Inedible. Complete waste of $5. Do not buy this.

  4. This is probably their best product in my opinion. Some of their stuff is palatable, but (unless they have made huge changes to the formula since I tried it) other things like the peanut butter, are scary.

  5. Dark_fascination on

    An alternative is aquafaba, stabilized with cream of tartar and monk fruit or stevia if anyone’s craving SF vegan marshmallow.

  6. I’ve tried this. To me it tastes awful, but I’m glad it works for you. The slim food brand does have amazing pasta though for 55 calories a serving which is great for me since when I first stopped eating meat, my go to meal was pasta and now I can do that again.

  7. Everything they make looks bizarre but since this is vegan I have to at least give it a try…

  8. myhouseplantsaredead on

    Your description of this (fake vanilla, overly sweet, thick, grainy texture) takes me back to some medicine I had to drink twice a day when I had childhood pneumonia. I’m…sold?

  9. herpesfreesince93_ on

    I was perusing some of their salad dressings on iHerb (I’m in Australia). If anyone can recommend any of the dressings and sauces that are half decent, that’d be good.

  10. beyoncetofupadthai on

    I did not love this product but it was more tolerable when I put it on banana nice cream! The banana flavor balanced it out a bit. I love the ranch dressing, chocolate syrup (the one in a bottle not a jar), and the maple syrup best!

  11. I have this one, the chocolate one and caramel one turning up in the post any day now.. hopefully they’re worth it?

  12. Update: I never took another bite of this. It sat in my fridge for weeks until I moved out. It was unceremoniously thrown in the trash.

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