Getting a little colder outside and was a rainy cold Sunday so decided to throw together a nice batch of chili. Spice level more on the mild side for the base and added fresh jalapeños to bring it up a couple notches 🌶️🌶️

Let me know how I did.

by jlane7065


  1. Somebody is going to come in here with their Debbie Downer “Chili doesn’t have beans” parade, but that looks so damn good, I’d fight every one of them for a bowl.

  2. I’d double the cheese but I’m a lactose addicted. It looks good but I wish I could taste it. If it’s too spicy add a little brown sugar if it’s too sweet add some cayenne pepper. Otherwise can you send me some

  3. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole because of the jalapenos. But other than that it looks really good

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