1. Decided to give myself a birthday present and booked a table at Maaemo in Oslo. This was one of my top 5 meals for sure in my life.

    Favourites were:

    The wild salmon. They told me that this was the first day of the year that they served it and it melted in my mouth. The milky slightly acidic from apples and sweet sauce really complimented it

    The oyster dish. Loved the different textures and how it tasted like the sea. Sweet, salty, sea and different textures with the oyster suspended in a gel from the oyster water and then a sweet sauce ontop

    The raw scallops. So sweet and at the same time you have the sour / bitter from the different ripened berries and the sauce was really good. Perfect start to the main menu.

    The Kanelbulle. Just a pure classic nordic dessert that was perfected.

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