“In this comprehensive review of the association between [vegetarian] diets and cardiometabolic outcomes, we found that following this type of diet may help to prevent most of these diseases.”

by Penis_Envy_Peter


  1. Cardiometabolic = cardiovascular disease (e.g. heart attack, stroke) plus obesity, insulin resistance, liver disease, etc

    For anyone else wondering

  2. WorldsGr8estHipster on

    Maybe it’s because I am on mobile but I don’t see where they actually list the diets they recommend. I just see the abstract, even when I click on the full text link.

  3. surpriseslingshot on

    I do fully believe the statement is true, but posting half of the conclusion without the pretty significant “but” is misleading tbh…

    > “However, the non-uniformity of the studies, due to ethnic, cultural, and methodological differences, does not allow for generalizing the present results and drawing definitive conclusions. Further, well-designed studies are warranted to confirm the consistency of our conclusions.”

  4. I was in full liver failure (non-alchohol) on a transplant list, tried everything I could to save myself. My bile ducts were being blocked and stopping the liver from functioning. I was having stents put in every month or two that would constantly fail. I tried every type of diet to get the bile ducts going but after a bunch of research I eventually settled on a vegetarian diet which eased up and thinned my bile, no more stents, and then fully healed my liver over the next few years, and I’m off the transplant list. It’s been 6 years and the doctors are amazed at how well I have done considering I was told to get my affairs in order. Also I’m mid to late 30’s,so relatively young for these issues.

    This is my personal experience regarding this issue.

  5. I’m annoyed they didn’t put the full conclusion in the title. Goes to show you always need to click through and read, not just go off the title of the post.

    “In this comprehensive review of the association between V diets and cardiometabolic outcomes, we found that following this type of diet may help to prevent most of these diseases. However, the non-uniformity of the studies, due to ethnic, cultural, and methodological differences, does not allow for generalizing the present results and drawing definitive conclusions. Further, well-designed studies are warranted to confirm the consistency of our conclusions.”

  6. FlimsyWhereas2744 on

    I guess being a vegetarian means I won’t have to worry about getting a ‘heart-stake’ anytime soon. #MeatFreeLife

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