Hi all, getting back into my hobby ad I have greatly missed home cured bacon, pancetta bresola etc…
I’m looking for a percentage fridge that would be a good option for hang my cured meat in
What is everyone’s thoughts on the below two options? Any issues you think that could arise or any using something similar?
I was thinking of using a humistat and humidifier to keep the humidity in the 70 to 80 range.
What are your thoughts? Thanks so much!
Option 1 https://ao.com/product/hws77gdau1-haier-wine-cooler-black-82394-31.aspx
Option 2
by Observed_unobserver
1 Comment
For cured, sure as long as it’s a compressor with a chill plate. Use an external inkbird to control temp and humidity. Careful where you poke holes through for control and air circulation.