I took my duck breast out of the salt box cure about three weeks ago, wrapped it in an umai charcuterie bag, and it’s been on a wire rack in the fridge ever since.

It started at 204 grams, and after a week it was down to 175. However, when I weighed it today, it was only at 170 grams.
It feels much more firm, however it’s weight is still a cause for concern for me.
What could be causing this? Could it be because I left the fat cap on? When will I know if it’s safe to eat?

I have included a picture of the breast immediately after taking it out of the salt box.

by Markishman


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. Markishman on

    I am wondering why my duck breast isn’t losing weight. I included details in the description.

  3. Have you tried changing its diet? You know what they say, abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. 🙂

    In all seriousness I’ve had good success just wrapping it in cheesecloth and hanging it.

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