Nice meal at GS recently – overall enjoyed it, the meal was heavy and I have regrets doing the full tasting as I barely finished the meal (did not feel well after, and my dining partner didn’t finish a few courses too). Nevertheless, the food was tasty, although (as expected) not the most interesting. Ended up around 600pp which I guess is reasonable considering the cost of his Paris restaurant

High level notes

\-5 or 6 options for champagnes by the glass which was nice

\-Restaurant is very upscale/formal, but I had no issues in a short sleeve shirt with a collar. No music playing which meant we listened to some painfully awkward conversations from the other tables in our room.

\-amuse bouche were all ok, no standouts

\-honestly underwhelmed by the “colors of caviar”. A nice dish sure, but the smoked sabayon overpowered all other components in the dish.

\-protein dishes were the favorites, everything was cooked exceptionally. Loved the wagyu and lobster, but there was so much lobster (tail and claw) with two small (insanely good) pieces of a5. Didn’t love the carrot/lobster dumplings or accompanying foam/puree.

\-artichoke and truffle soup is extremely rich, this was definitely the turning point of the meal for us. Very filling, and served with a buttered truffle brioche to dip which didn’t help lighten anything (but was the best bread of the night)

\-bread service was good, the highlight is the butter from Brittany. The bread selection at JR was much better in my opinion.

\-palate cleanser, dessert and mignardise cart were all ok. The canelé was a standout though.

more details on my IG

by d_hor


  1. Firm_Interaction_816 on

    Hmm, looks lovely (and as far as I’m concerned, deliciousness conquers ‘interesting’ any day).

    Sorry to hear the colours of caviar was disappointing, but then it does look slightly different to the Parisian version I had (maybe the ratios of the different tiers?). I can tell you now that the one I had in Paris had very strong flavours and the sabayon balanced them rather than overwhelmed them in any way. Honestly the best ‘caviar dish’ I’ve ever had.

    Plenty of places use it as a garnish or in a sauce, but at GS it felt like they took the caviar, put it in the spotlight, and did something really effective with it.

  2. Specific-Novel-950 on

    I went 2 years ago and had nearly the exact same meal,it was good. I’m a 240lb powerlifter so I appreciated the size of the meal, had seconds on bread lol.

    Enjoyed it far better than full tasting at Robuchon

  3. That’s a sad looking mini cheeseburger. I’m surprised they have a large selection of bread to choose from. Guess they’re trying to copy JR. In Paris, they only have 1 bread and you have the option of regulars or well done, both suck and are just a waste of calories. The colors of caviar is a signature dish and I’m surprised it looks different. Was there extra sabayon and caviar in the white egg dish? Paris serves it in an eggshell.

  4. Had this same meal there recently and was so disappointed. The way you described your experience also didn’t seem worthy of $600. For this price, we should leave a place completely satisfied and impressed. I would never recommend this place.

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