Been battling and making some progress, thanks everyone for the help!

I know it dips down but it’s brief and the vast majority of time it’s between 71 and 76F.

by samclaassen


  1. Hi /u/samclaassen if you are posting an image don’t forget to include a description in the comments or your post may be removed.

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  2. I think thats your sensor logic or someone is opening the door repeatedly. Idk how you get those swings in a closed environment in that time.

  3. Friend, Everytime your compressor fires to maintain set points you’ll see these swings on temp and RH. It’s typical.

    Please know this….air has very little mass and is a shitty medium of heat transfer. Meaning…. your product is extremely high mass relative to the several cubic feet of air bouncing around in the chamber Meaning….as long as your average temps are in the range you need for dry-aging or curing…those swings will never affect the product. Heat transfer is relative to mass and the salami isn’t gonna give it up to a puff of air!

  4. Yes that’s the compressor smashing the humidity down. If you get case hardening you should aim for higher humidity

  5. proverbialbunny on

    That looks great. Is there a new slab of meat in there? The first 3 days the humidity tends to be higher and then it goes down a bit.

  6. REMaintenanceVan on

    It’s normal, but I would bump your humidity to 77-80% it makes quite a difference and it ages slower, gets better flavour to your product, less case hardening, so my usual average is at least 77% don’t be afraid to bump to 80%.
    Also seems like your fridge turning on so often. Is that mini fridge?
    Take your thermostat probe, put it in the glass beer bottle and it will be much better when you opening doors, checking, etc.. it will balance your cycles and run less often

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