So I’ve just started my 2nd cure ever tonight with a pork belly. I used the same recipe before and didn’t die! But i just found out about botulism. ID LIKE TO AVOID IT!
I have all this sealed in a double vaccume sealed bag in the fridge. Do I need to go get some of the pink salt 2?
10 lb pork belly
cup Black Pepper
1/4 cup Paprika
Half bag of Brown sugar
Rib rub
1/2 cup of coarse salt
Cup apple sauce
Cup water
Don’t know if it makes a difference but I’m going to smoke, slice, freeze till I bake it in the oven!
by VisionaryVisa
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Botulism is very dangerous, but also very rare. How often have you heard about someone being hurt by it in the news? You should still take care though.
Things to keep you safe and from worrying:
-Botulism don’t really grow at fridge temperatures.
-Botulin toxin is not heat stable, if you heat it to above 80 C for some time before eating it’ll break down the toxin. (Google for details)
-Botulin bacteria are anareobic, so if you cure a piece of meat in air it will also be ok, ground meat is more problematic. Smoking may put the meat in the danger sone with little oxygen and the dangerous temperature. Keep out of the danger zone, not just for botulism. (Also google for details)
Get some curing salt and then you don’t need to worry about it. If you ever infuse your own olive oil with garlic and chilies, it can fester there too so make sure it’s refrigerated and don’t use it for more than about 2 weeks or so.
No. Whole muscle cures do not need nitrates. However you should be using a scale and weights. You are at somewhere between 2.5 to 3% salt and At refrigerator temperatures. Botulism bacteria aren’t active at those salt levels and temperature. The inside of the muscle is sterile.
>In 2018, health departments reported 242 cases of botulism to CDC. Of those, 231 were laboratory-confirmed and 11 were probable. The cases were of the following types: 162 (67%) infant, 61 (25%) wound, 18 (7%) foodborne, and 1 (<1%) other, diagnosed as probable adult intestinal colonization.
It’s not really a huge thing. That said if you are really worried you should use curing salt.