Platter from Tuesday – I made all the meat & cheese

by TidalWaveform


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  2. TidalWaveform on

    Clockwise from left:

    * White Stilton with Dried Apricot
    * Brie
    * Chipotle Bresaola
    * Spicy Coppa
    * Citrus Lonzino

  3. You made? As in you cured those meats? When I grow up I want to be like you. That coppa looks freaking awesome. Never seen lonzino much less a citrus variety but damn I want all of it. Can you tell me more about it, specifically what part it is

  4. That’s fantastic. You made a brie? Awesome. Everything looks awesome.

    Wait… you didn’t carve the platter? :-/

  5. GruntCandy86 on

    That coppa looks wonderful, but that might be the leanest eye round I’ve ever seen lol.

  6. Fantastic dude, now you owe your cheese and charcuterie some good from scratch bread

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