2 Amuse-bouches: Butternut (good), onion tart with beef broth shot (excellent), celery something (boring) 3 foie gras & mallard, served with cabbage salad side, good but not enough sauce. 4 poularde en croûte before serving 5 poularde with extremely rich sauce before truffle shavings 6 ris de veau, delicious but heavy 7 crêpe soufflé This was unappetising and stodgy. All in all a classic French menu in a gorgeous room with attentive but very slow service.

by Prestigious_Steak_46


  1. Firm_Interaction_816 on

    I see what you mean with the lack of sauce on 3, that is incredibly stingy and even makes the plating look amateurish…I’d have had to have asked for more.

  2. Prestigious_Steak_46 on

    I wouldn’t call the plating amateurish (that’s my camerawork) but there’s a definite anti-Instagram strategy with every dish looking better side-on rather from a top shot.

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