1. RedRaspberry11 on

    One of the hardest reservations to get in israel. Had to get mine 5 month in advance but It was definitely worth it.
    It was on par with restaurants that have two michelin stars that I have had. Its safe to say that when michelin arrives to israel OCD will be on the top of the list.

    All of the dishes were creative and unique and they used every ingredient to the maximum.
    My favorites were the mackerel with dashi, it was soft and melted on my mouth with a strong umami taste from the dashi that was made out of kombu and roasted mushrooms (the same mushrooms in the taco) and the chicken chawmushi that was an omage to the chefs mother where they take his memory of grilled chicken every friday lunch that his mother made and remake differently every menu. The dish was complex with different textures and flavors that just went well together.

    The chef Raz Rahav is a culinary genius and every time he talked to you about the dish you could tell that he is still full of passion for the food he serves.

    I apologize that my camera has the quality of a toaster.

    Edit: I almost forgot but the olive oil jam was also genius and I could eat it with anything

  2. 4doorsmoresmores on

    How was the beef with strawberry jus? That combination doesn’t immediately make sense to me.

  3. Few more things about OCD:
    All of the seats are counter-seats, no tables. The restaurant have 23 seats and it is very hard to get reservation, you need to get it at exactly midnight for 5 months in advance. If you’d like to go by yourself it would be easier.

    The restaurant only have one blind tasting menu while they can accommodate restrictions, and the menu changes almost conpletely every 3 to 4 months.

    I visited their twice and can say It’s a 2 stars worthy, the michelin guide will arrive to israel only next year so for now there aren’t any stars.

    The bread dish with the olive oil jam is the best bread dish I ever had, they also sell their olive oil jam if you’d like to take one home

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