Chef’s Table @ Brooklyn Fare (3* Michelin, OAD #1 in NA)

by brooklynite


  1. Extremely refined, technically perfect dining experience. Chef’s Table is currently one of 5 3* Michelin restaurants in New York and #1 on the OAD Top Restaurants in North America list. Japanese with French technique.

    Highlights were:

    Egg custard with foie gras, snails and mushrooms – most decadent dish I’ve ever been served, rich and light at the same time

    Sea Bream – visually stunning and also equally as complex, heat coming from ginger cooled by the cucumber sorbet, uncovering little sauce pockets and the dehydrated tomatoes, awesome

    Hokkaido Uni – perfect bite

    Vanilla Frozen Soufflé – super impressive technique, unique to me

    While the food was probably the most impeccable example of fine dining I’ve had, meal did leave a little to be desired. Service was good but not over the top. With an open kitchen there were so many missed opportunities to present and highlight ingredients and technique. Perhaps not everyone wants that but for this type of dining at this cost I’d figure most so.

    A meal like this is made through both food and hospitality and I think there’s room for improvement in the latter. The former is right where it needs to be.

  2. trufflepigggy on

    Seems like they revamped their menu a bit, looks great. Couple of dishes at CTFB reached higher peaks than anything I’ve ever had but some of their mains underwhelmed me. Along with their cold hospitality, I’m still not sure how I feel about them overall.

  3. The novelty of this place being in a bodega died off like 3 weeks after they moved there lol

  4. disco-inferno_ on

    I have never heard about ODN until now. Great website! Thank you.

    How is the tone at Brooklyn Fare compared to other top fine dining establishments – is it serious and intimidating or more fun?

  5. RandyWaterhouse on

    Ooh glad you liked it!!

    Isn’t that uni on brioche incredible? It was truffle season when I was there so they did it with white truffle on top.

    Best meal I’ve had anywhere in awhile food wise. I agree on the service while good could be better.

  6. Gourmetanniemack on

    This would be an experience for sure. I would love the big shrimp/porcini and the quail. Texas quail has disappeared from the freezers here in Texas. Miss it. Pretty pics!

  7. Agreed with you re the food/hospitality. Food was as good as it gets when I went. Service was a big miss and the only reason I haven’t been back yet.

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