Seasoned with oregano salt
250g Gram flour
830g water
8g salt
on medium heat cook all ingredients until a paste form, continue to stir for abou 10/15 min until it thickens. Pour in container and then place another container on top with some weights and leave in fridge overnight. Cut into thin strips and cook in hot vegetable or sunflower oil

by Miserable_Phrase_240


  1. Thanks. Can we also make a tight dough with it and fry directly instead of forming a paste and freezing it first or is there some significance in following this method?

  2. I found [this recipe]( which could be helpful if you need more instruction. I like that OP included measurements in grams and will try with their measurement first, since the recipe I linked uses cups and a cup of flour can vary wildly in density, but a weight measured in grams will be replicable. The linked recipe does suggest including fresh minced parsley after the boiling, which I will try, and squeezing fresh lemon over the finished panelle.

    Edit: You may find brown chickpea flour at the Indian grocer, it is called besan. I’m not sure if that will be a good replacement for white chickpea flour, but it’s what I have. Will report back once I’ve tried it.

    Edit 2: Turns out I didn’t have besan, but I had something called sattu, which is roasted chickpea flour. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work, but I gave it a go. The boiling step was much quicker than expected, but you do have to stir the whole time to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.

    After spreading onto a lipped baking sheet, the paste firmed up into almost like a fruit leather consistency, which was very easy to cut and fry. I forgot to add herbs in the first tray, but added Italian seasoning to the second, and it made a big difference.

    One of my kids can be a very picky eater, and he asked for “As much as I would give him” (and ate seconds), which I take as a ringing endorsement.

  3. Mind sharing the recipe you used? I tried making this a couple months back and it just fell apart when I fried it.

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