This was the hardest reservation we’ve ever gotten. I have no advice on how to get one other than be persistent and get lucky. Even when they message you back, you need to quickly wire the total amount for food. I’ve never even done a bank wire prior to this. Everything is different here. We loved it. It’s always hard to compare but this one is probably our favourite meal ever.

The setting is unreal. Show up early, walk around, take in the scenery and pet the donkey across the road. I’m serious, he was so friendly! The restaurant is in this beautiful tiny community nestled in a valley between the mountains. There is nothing here but a small community sports centre, a church, houses, farms and Extebarri. It’s just beautiful and so peaceful here.

When you show up, you’ll enjoy an ice cold cocktail on the patio. It was a stunning day for us so it was so nice. I really wanted to check out the dining room but I could have spent a lot longer out there. They scoop you up and bring you inside. We got probably the best table right beside a window where we had a stunning mountain view and the lighting on the food was spectacular.

I’ll start with the service. It was amazing. We were a little confused by how they did it. You don’t just get one server, we had multiple and it’s quite casual but in such a good way. The somm came for wine and poured us a glass and left the bottle on the table. We had to explain that we were just doing by the glass and he kind of laughed and said you’re like family here just take some more. It was like this the entire afternoon.

Food was all cooked over fire and the smoky flavour paired so well with everything. Urchin over fire was our favourite next to the best stew we’ve ever had. We aren’t even steak people but we could have had another. The flame kissed veggies like mushrooms and cauliflower were all so good. The seafood was also delightful. There wasn’t anything we didn’t enjoy. The final dessert, a somewhat collapsed soufflé over ice cream was so good albeit not the prettiest soufflé I’ve had.

The somm was so good. The wine he sourced just blew our minds. The el tamboril was my favourite red ever. The whites he chose earlier were so refreshing. He was just rock solid.

I will try my best to go back. What they’ve built here was incredible and we are purposefully searching out more unique and rugged restaurants to enjoy around the world because of this experience. Get there if you can and shoot me any questions!

by ochief19

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