Hello there! For many years, I’ve made this bean-based pesto:

High Protein & Oil-Free Basil Pesto

It doesn’t taste like the real deal, but it kind of scratches the itch and has a good amount of protein and fiber from the beans.

Now, though, I want something closer to the real thing in flavor but without too many calories. I thought, what about a tofu base as that is more neutral than beans and versatile in texture? And found this recipe:

Basil Pesto

Has anybody tried it and liked it? What oil-free pestos do you recommend that satisfy the craving?

For the record, I’m not anti-oil, it’s just it’s so many calories in such a tiny thing that I prefer to eat something with more volume when cutting calories.

On that note, I’ve started eating shirataki noodles as a sub for pasta, and one of my favorite lunches is a pesto pasta salad with spring mix and cherry tomatoes. Any suggestions on what could be added to bulk that up a bit more that compliments those other flavors well?

by nifflerriver4


  1. Tofu is actually a really common ingredient in most cheaper pestos because it mimics the same creaminess without the more expensive pinenuts and olive oil

    I haven’t tried it myself – one I would recommend trying from experience would be aquafaba- the liquid from a tin of chickpeas. I usually sub it for oil innmy hummus recipes and it makes the creamier hummus, it’s thickens to a great creamy consistency when blended or whipped so I could imagine may work in a pesto?

  2. lilacsinawindow on

    I’ve made that recipe and I thought it was really good! I subbed walnuts for the pine nuts.

    I also love the How Not to Die cookbook recipe that uses soaked cashews instead of oil but obviously it’s higher calorie.

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