Hearty Butternut Squash Soup

by Sendtitpics215


  1. Sendtitpics215 on


    2 large butternuts squashes

    2 sweet potatoes

    1 large acorn squash

    1 large Vidalia Onion

    5-6 stalks of celery

    8 medium carrots

    7-8 cloves of garlic

    3-4+ liters of Pea Milk (depending on desired consistency)

    **How to Cook:**

    Cube the butternut squash, cut the acorn squash into flat pieces (leaving the skin on). Toss both in olive oil and then roast in the oven until the sugars begin to caramelize and the squash starts the brown. Cook the acorn and the butternut squash separately – it takes longer for the butternut to brown then the acorn and the acorn pieces can easily be flipped with tongues while it’s easier to just toss the butternut squash squares with a spatula halfway through.

    Cook the sweet potatoes in the oven wrapped in foil well to avoid sugars leaking out, at 425 this usually takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes in my experience ( after cooked, remove the potatoes’ skins and munch on them while you continue cooking : ] ). Carrots get treated much like the squash – cut them into reasonably consistent pieces, toss in olive oil, and roast those lovely orange vegetables until they become dark brown.

    While those veggies are roasting, go ahead and chop up your celery, onion and garlic. Start with the celery since it will have to cook the longest – begin to sauté it in a large stock pot w/ olive oil. Then same deal with the onion – chopped and added to the celery – continue to sauté together. Allow the celery and onion to cook for a good length of time so it breaks down well, maybe add a couple splashes off water if what comes out of the vegetables isn’t enough to keep the mixture from doing anything more then light browning. Once you’re confident the celery will blend smoothly, add in the minced garlic and sauté for about 10 minutes stirring frequently.

    Lastly take your roasting pans in one hand and a spatula in the other, and fill up your pot with all your roasted vegetables. Add in the Pea Milk and use an immersion blender until you have a consistent smooth texture. (Start w/ 3 liters and add the rest of the milk in slowly so you can get just the right texture you are going for).


    I am very excited about this recipe. This was my first time making butternut squash soup so I took some liberties and had fun with it – I’m so glad I did. It yields *many* servings and tastes delicious. Please let me know what you think : ]

    Edit: as several commenters are pointing out it’s much thicker then traditional butternut squash soup. An edit to the recipe could be 4 liters+ of pea milk to make it thinner. I kind of like it like this so am going to eat it this way 😆

  2. It looks great, I’m a big fan of soups in general and I think this one should taste pretty good.

  3. t00_much_caffeine on

    Looks great!! I’m making some butternut squash soup today. One of my favorites!

  4. Love the Fiesta-style bowl! I have the exact same one, plus ones that are blue, orange and yellow.

  5. sizzlinsunshine on

    This looks very yummy but I’d use way more onion, like 3-4 whole. I’m surprised it’s only one for that much other veg. Maybe that’s just me. I too prefer it thinner but would just add water and adjust salt. This would freeze beautifully as a soup (or concentrate)

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